

Microblading is a semi-permanent make up technique preformed using a manual hand held tool. The disposable tool has a number of very fine needles which allow us to draw individual hair strokes to simulate natural eyebrow hairs.

Each treatment is tailored to the client with an intensive consultation and brow mapping service before the treatment.

Results can last from 12-24 months depending on skin type, lifestyle and will gradually fade.

Microblading inc. 6-8 week top up £200.00
Additional 6-8 week top up £40.00
Annual top up 12 months £130.00
Top up 13-18 months £150.00
Top up 19-24 months £180.00

Pre-Procedure Information


All booking fees are non-refundable once booked/taken.

No treatment will be carried out on any clients who are/could be pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform me of any medications or medical issues you have.


I cannot treat you if:

  • You are under 18
  • You have had a vaccination in the past two weeks
  • You are on antibiotics
  • You have diabetes
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You have had a baby in the last 6 weeks
  • You have glaucoma or you take blood thinning medicines (e.g. aspirin, warfarin)
  • You have a skin condition such as Psoriasis or Eeczema in the eyebrow area
  • You have transmittable blood conditions like Aids/HIV or Hepatitis (A, B, C, D)
  • You have Haemophilia
  • You have healing disorders or uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • You are on any skin medication such as Accutane or steroids
  • You have active skin cancer or skin damage/sunburn
  • You are undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
  • You have a pacemaker or major heart problems or heart disease
  • You have had Botox in the past two weeks
  • You have had Epilepsy within the last 2 years 
  • You have had Roaccutane within the last year 
  • You have diseases or disorders in the skin


​​Please familiarise yourself with the following information prior to giving me your consent to perform any treatment: 

  • Some residual swelling is normal for all procedures.
  • During the retouch appointment, we will fine tune any area that has faded more than others. 
  • The healing process is specific to each client. 
  • It is important to realise that you will need a colour boost every 1-2 years in order to maintain a fresh, natural appearance. 
  • Due to the build-up of scar tissue, colour boosts will not be performed any sooner than 12 months post treatment. 
  • If your brows have faded more than you would have liked, it is fine to pencil or powder them until your scheduled appointment. 
  • As we age, our skin changes. The permanent make up will eventually look more powdered, this is universal with all permanent make up procedures. 
  • Remember, no two sides of the face are the same. ‘Brows are sisters, not twins!’ is a phrase used within the industry. 
  • Dark Skin types please note that your permanent makeup will not appear as bold as lighter skin types. (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.) It will look more solid powdered. 


Prior to your treatment: 

  • DO NOT tan or sunburn on any areas of planned treatment - tan causes exfoliation, and in turn sheds pigment with it. 
  • DO NOT drink alcohol the night before your treatment or drink any caffeinated/energy drinks, on the day of your appointment, as this will seriously compromise your healed result and treatment cannot go ahead. 
  • DO NOT exercise on the day of your procedure as increased body heat will expand the pores. 
  • DO NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Coumadin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen, unless medically necessary. 
  • Please ensure your skin is in a happy and healthy condition. Ensure you cleanse and moisturise your brows every day as part of your skin regime.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, in the weeks leading up to your appointment.


For 2 weeks post treatment: 

  • Keep the area dry completely - NO WATER whatsoever.
  • No Sweating/Exercise.
  • Do not sweat (heavily). Sweat contains salt which permanently removes pigment. It can also cause pigment to blur/fade.
  • Avoid direct shower contact on the treated area.
  • Absolutely nothing should be applied to the treated area.
  • No Make up. 
  • No lotions/creams.
  • No Pencils.
  • Avoid scrubbing the treated area (at least 1 month post treatment)
  • Avoid sleeping directly on your face. Only touch the treated areas with squeaky clean hands during the healing process.



​If you get your eyebrows waxed or tinted, please have this done at least 7 days prior to your scheduled procedure. It is recommended to wait at least 14 days to have them waxed and 30 days for tinting after the procedure.


  • Regular makeup can be worn immediately after your procedure, just not on the treated area until it has healed. 
  • The eyebrows WILL appear bolder immediately after the procedure. This is common in all Permanent Makeup applications. It will begin to soften up typically within 3-30 days. 
  • When choosing a colour, it is recommended to go lighter until we see the healed results... we can always go darker at the touch up. We CANNOT go lighter. 
  • Hair strokes WILL appear crisp and bold at first, but WILL soften up in appearance as the tissue heals. The area will shed, taking some colour with it...this is normal. The area will begin to oxidise and darken over the 1st month. 
  • It is very common to have some areas fade more than others and growth of the skin over your semi permanent make up can make the colour pigment appear lighter by up to 60%. 
  • Previously microbladed eyebrows may take 1-3 treatments to achieve the desired result. Scar tissue in the brow area of eyebrows that have been done multiple times WILL require additional procedures and fees will apply This is part of the healing process and will be treated at the recommended touch up appointment.
  • Your touch up appointment is purposely to refine areas and ensure colour, shade and shape stays longer.
  • Previously microbladed eyebrows may take 1-3 treatments to achieve the desired result. Scar tissue in the brow area of eyebrows done multiple times WILL require additional procedures and fees will apply. 
  • Red heads, blonds & fair skin types WILL experience more swelling, redness and fading than darker skin types. 
  • Clients with darker skin (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.), should be aware that the Hair Strokes WILL NOT appear as defined or as dark as lighter skin types due to the skin colour already being naturally darker. 



  • Clean brows 5 times a day, 1 hour intervals with sterilised cool water (damp not soaking) immediately after / same day of treatment – we will show you how to do this as part of your aftercare.
  • The first day after treatment is classed as the “dry healing”period. DO NOT get brows wet for 2 weeks.
  • Do not pick any scabs that may form, let them fall off on their own accord.
  • No make-up on the brow area for 2 weeks, including skin care product or oil based creams (can go around treatment area however, not over it)
  • No direct sunlight (sunbathing or sunbeds) for 30 days. Brows should be covered with a high SPF, once healed, to protect the colour from changing/fading.
  • No light therapies, chemical peels, facials, microdermabrasions or creams that contain rejuvenation factors for 30 days.
  • Avoid laser treatments over the treated area for 30 days as this can destroy the pigment and cause colour change.
  • The use of antibiotics and hormonal therapy can lead to a faster pigment fading.
  • No excessive sweating for two weeks.


If you have existing microblading/SMPU, please email a photo with name and information as reference before booking, so we can determine if it is able to be covered.

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